Okay, this is what the pond looked like before. The top pic is the south end and the bottom pic is the north end. The posts are for the dock. The north end didn't change any.
We thought is just wasn't big enough. So we drained it about 5 feet down.
Bobby Fox came out and did some more digging for us. We had quite a muddy mess for a while and almost everyone in town, was curious as to what we were doing now.
He has such a nice touch!
Now here it is! This is the south end looking north east. We decited to leave a little Island in the middle.
Sam and Keaton went swimming last Saturday. It was a nice sunny day, and the water was just right.
They even enjoyed out little beach area. They played for hours, and it was wonderful to see our kids enjoying our pond.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
what's going on.
Just an update on what's been happening around here lately. School is in full swing, and along with that, for Amber is a crazy schedule. Early morning seminary, before school marching band practice, then after school jazz band practice, she also has play practice 3 days a week from 7 to 9 for the musical that they're doing in November. Plus her work schedule at Fareway, piano practice, and her homework. She's getting strait A's and I'm amazed. I never could have done all that. She's such a wonderful daughter. Ben is in Marching Band too for the middle school, and he has soccer as well. Keaton is in soccer and I'm not coaching this year. I just thought it would be to much with everything else that's going on right now. Sam didn't want to play this year and I'm fine with that. It's hard having three boys, on three different soccer teams. I'll make him do it next year. Ben won't be in the AYSO soccer league anymore, and the high school soccer season is in the spring. Also I won't have a daughter at home anymore, (sniff) so all her Saturday activities won't need my time. I'll probably coach Keaton's team next year. It's kinda fun.
Youth Hunting season is this week, and Bret and Ben have been going out most evenings this week. Looking for Ben's first buck, to put in the freezer. He's getting a little frustrated because he's seen big bucks on the tree cams that we've had out all summer, and none are showing up during shooting hours. Amber got lucky the first time she went out, she got a big beautiful buck. The next year her first time out, she did the same thing. So I think Ben had high expectations. He's not very patient when it comes to sitting still and quiet for hours. But hopefully he's appreciating the whole hunting experience and not just the trophy. Spending time outdoors, with his Dad.
We've just got done digging out are pond some more. I think it's finally the size we want, and we've got a little grassy island in the middle that hopefully some ducks or geese will make their spring time home. That is if the dogs will leave them alone. We've planted about 30 spruce trees along the southern side to give us some privacy from the hyway and in the spring we'll plant some different bushes and trees among them to fill it in real nice, so in 15 years it will block the pond from the road. Skinny dipping anyone????
Early Morning seminary is going well. I've discovered that an hour nap around 2 is very helpful. although it doesn't happen as much as I would like. Bret likes it better when I get a nap, so I'm not nodding off to sleep at 8:30. Our cuddle time has definitely taken a hit. I try to make up for it on the weekends. I have 3 kids in my class. Dallon, a Jr, Preston a Freshman, and Amber, the Sr. They like to talk, and argue about the best band, or movie, or about anything really, So I try to teach a lesson each day. I found food helps the boys keep quiet pretty good. I'm learning a lot I didn't know about the Old Testament, so that's been a plus, I don't know how much the students are getting out of it. But I'm trying.
Bret was supposed to go on a hunting trip in Canada, on the 17th. He was going with his Dad and Bruce Burger to Quebec for Caribou. On the 16th the outfitter called and said there wasn't any Caribou near their camps so if they come it might not be very fruitful. Bruce wanted to wait until next year, Bret decided to as well. Poor John was already on his way and had to be contacted from his hotel in Canada. So he had a nice flight to Canada for nothing. I felt bad for all of them. They were really looking forward to this hunt. Bret was looking forward to being with his Dad, and hopefully to put some meat in the freezer and a mount on his wall. But he's been home all week, which I like, he has been doing morning clinic, and then coming home in the afternoon. We've been getting lots done outside. We're getting the windmill fan and motor ready to put up, lots of stuff is being planted, and we've started building the dock on the pond. Speaking of. Last night Bret has an hour before he has to take Amber and Ben to the church for Mutual. So he says "Amber, wanna go out in the boat?" So he grabs his drill, some pliers, and a level, and they go outside. I'm not sure what he has in mind. So 15 minutes before they have to leave, I go outside to tell Bret it's almost time to go. I find them in the little row boat out in the pond by the two posts that we're going to build the dock on. Bret says "Hey, in my truck is a vice wrench go get it for me. I've dropped the one I had in the water." Then Amber tells me that Dad almost went in the water when the boat moved away from the post while Bret was hanging onto it with his feet in the boat. His body was over the water and he almost went in. But Amber managed to get the boat back so Bret could let go and get back in the boat. Amber gave me her cell phone just in case. Then while trying to get the cross board screwed into the two posts, the level they were using fell off the board and went into the water. The water is about 15 feet deep. So after a lot of apologies from Amber, Bret tells me to go get the other level. I'm getting a little upset because its time to get going to the church. Bret is in charge of the activity and he really shouldn't be late. So I get the level and toss it to him in the boat. Amber was just saying to Bret, "You better not tip the boat! I don't want to have to explain to everyone at the church why I'm all wet!" Not long after that, Bret had screwed in one end of the board, and wanted Amber to switch places with him so he could screw in the other end. Well they were both standing, which was their first mistake, then as they were crossing in he middle back to back the boat tipped and Amber screamed, and Bret yelled, the boat tipped and in the water they went. They came up sputtering and gasping, and Amber was NOT happy! Bret had his drill in his hand and quickly got that back in the boat. Amber had knee high rubber boots on and was having a hard time staying afloat. They were filling with water and weighing her down, so she quickly swims to me and I help her out. It's a steep bank where I was and she almost pulled me in as I was trying to pull her out! Bret was just laughing, and decided that since he was already in the water he'd try it find his lost tools. He found the level, but dived a few times for he wrench, but no luck. Then he just pulled the boat after him and swam to the beach so he could get out. Amber hi-tailed it to the house so she could dry off and change. They needed to leave in 5 minutes! So anyway pretty funny. I'm just glad it wasn't me. They made it to the church, and Amber took a shower when she got home, and I have some wet muddy clothes to wash.
Well it's almost 9, I didn't get my nap today and I'm really starting to feel the sleepiness take over.
Until next time my loving friends and family :)
Youth Hunting season is this week, and Bret and Ben have been going out most evenings this week. Looking for Ben's first buck, to put in the freezer. He's getting a little frustrated because he's seen big bucks on the tree cams that we've had out all summer, and none are showing up during shooting hours. Amber got lucky the first time she went out, she got a big beautiful buck. The next year her first time out, she did the same thing. So I think Ben had high expectations. He's not very patient when it comes to sitting still and quiet for hours. But hopefully he's appreciating the whole hunting experience and not just the trophy. Spending time outdoors, with his Dad.
We've just got done digging out are pond some more. I think it's finally the size we want, and we've got a little grassy island in the middle that hopefully some ducks or geese will make their spring time home. That is if the dogs will leave them alone. We've planted about 30 spruce trees along the southern side to give us some privacy from the hyway and in the spring we'll plant some different bushes and trees among them to fill it in real nice, so in 15 years it will block the pond from the road. Skinny dipping anyone????
Early Morning seminary is going well. I've discovered that an hour nap around 2 is very helpful. although it doesn't happen as much as I would like. Bret likes it better when I get a nap, so I'm not nodding off to sleep at 8:30. Our cuddle time has definitely taken a hit. I try to make up for it on the weekends. I have 3 kids in my class. Dallon, a Jr, Preston a Freshman, and Amber, the Sr. They like to talk, and argue about the best band, or movie, or about anything really, So I try to teach a lesson each day. I found food helps the boys keep quiet pretty good. I'm learning a lot I didn't know about the Old Testament, so that's been a plus, I don't know how much the students are getting out of it. But I'm trying.
Bret was supposed to go on a hunting trip in Canada, on the 17th. He was going with his Dad and Bruce Burger to Quebec for Caribou. On the 16th the outfitter called and said there wasn't any Caribou near their camps so if they come it might not be very fruitful. Bruce wanted to wait until next year, Bret decided to as well. Poor John was already on his way and had to be contacted from his hotel in Canada. So he had a nice flight to Canada for nothing. I felt bad for all of them. They were really looking forward to this hunt. Bret was looking forward to being with his Dad, and hopefully to put some meat in the freezer and a mount on his wall. But he's been home all week, which I like, he has been doing morning clinic, and then coming home in the afternoon. We've been getting lots done outside. We're getting the windmill fan and motor ready to put up, lots of stuff is being planted, and we've started building the dock on the pond. Speaking of. Last night Bret has an hour before he has to take Amber and Ben to the church for Mutual. So he says "Amber, wanna go out in the boat?" So he grabs his drill, some pliers, and a level, and they go outside. I'm not sure what he has in mind. So 15 minutes before they have to leave, I go outside to tell Bret it's almost time to go. I find them in the little row boat out in the pond by the two posts that we're going to build the dock on. Bret says "Hey, in my truck is a vice wrench go get it for me. I've dropped the one I had in the water." Then Amber tells me that Dad almost went in the water when the boat moved away from the post while Bret was hanging onto it with his feet in the boat. His body was over the water and he almost went in. But Amber managed to get the boat back so Bret could let go and get back in the boat. Amber gave me her cell phone just in case. Then while trying to get the cross board screwed into the two posts, the level they were using fell off the board and went into the water. The water is about 15 feet deep. So after a lot of apologies from Amber, Bret tells me to go get the other level. I'm getting a little upset because its time to get going to the church. Bret is in charge of the activity and he really shouldn't be late. So I get the level and toss it to him in the boat. Amber was just saying to Bret, "You better not tip the boat! I don't want to have to explain to everyone at the church why I'm all wet!" Not long after that, Bret had screwed in one end of the board, and wanted Amber to switch places with him so he could screw in the other end. Well they were both standing, which was their first mistake, then as they were crossing in he middle back to back the boat tipped and Amber screamed, and Bret yelled, the boat tipped and in the water they went. They came up sputtering and gasping, and Amber was NOT happy! Bret had his drill in his hand and quickly got that back in the boat. Amber had knee high rubber boots on and was having a hard time staying afloat. They were filling with water and weighing her down, so she quickly swims to me and I help her out. It's a steep bank where I was and she almost pulled me in as I was trying to pull her out! Bret was just laughing, and decided that since he was already in the water he'd try it find his lost tools. He found the level, but dived a few times for he wrench, but no luck. Then he just pulled the boat after him and swam to the beach so he could get out. Amber hi-tailed it to the house so she could dry off and change. They needed to leave in 5 minutes! So anyway pretty funny. I'm just glad it wasn't me. They made it to the church, and Amber took a shower when she got home, and I have some wet muddy clothes to wash.
Well it's almost 9, I didn't get my nap today and I'm really starting to feel the sleepiness take over.
Until next time my loving friends and family :)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Ben turns 14!
Benjamin's 14th birthday. He's waited all year for this. He's hoping now that he's 14 his voice will change and he'll start growing hair on his face, and he wants to grow like 2 feet! Let's hope he gets his wish soon.
He got a new watch, because his old one was to small for him. It was also old and had a velcro strap that didn't want to stick together anymore.
Sam wanted to get him a hotwheels car. So here we are. They already have hundreds of them lying around all over the house!
A new wii game. Conduit 2. Not to happy about this one, but what do you do.
Sam and Keaton both got Nerf guns for their birthdays so now Ben has one, his is the biggest, and now they can all battle with each other and have a great time. Now I get to pick up nerf darts that are all over the place.
Ahh the lego sets. He loved this one!!!!
Ben's a hawkeye fan, and I saw this pillow pet and thought, "Why not?!" He loved it!
Go Hawkeyes!!!!
We had a yummy cake, and all sang happy birthday, then went to Council bluffs to eat at the Olive Garden. That's where he wanted to go eat. I thought he'd say Pizza Ranch or Burger King. My little boy is growing up. I asked why Olive Garden and he said, "I love the breadsticks!"
We were all sitting at the breakfast table one afternoon, and saw this little guy sitting on the back of our deck chair. Ben loves bugs of any shape and size so he had to go and play with it for a while. He was a very good subject to photograph. He had some wonderful posses. So cool! Ben is growing up and appreciating nature more, because he didn't ask for a pickle jar, so he could keep this thing in the house. After watching it climb around for a while, he took it to a little tree and let him go.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Keaton goes to the hospital

It's hard to see your child in a hospital bed, I don't care if it was just to get some teeth removed and a couple of cavities filled, It just isn't the sight you want to see. Keaton as some teeth problems even at this early age. He was grinding his front teeth down to nothing, and the dentist said he wanted to take them out before they caused him problems. Also his back teeth are so tightly packed together that he had developed cavities in between a couple of his back teeth because we weren't flossing. I thought I was doing good at just making sure they brushed good. I didn't floss my other kids teeth when they were this age. None of them have had any cavities! So because of his age and what they had to do, he had to be put in the hospital and be put to sleep so they could work on his teeth. He was able to bring his giraffe and blanket for comfort, and they gave him some nice hospital pj's.
After a long time of waiting and many nurses later, they put him in a big red wagon and took him into surgery. I wasn't to much of a wreck. After all it was just dental work. I couldn't help but feel it was all my fault though. I must say we are ALL avid flossers now!
I met with the Doctor who performed the surgery and he said everything went fine and gave me his two front teeth in a little plastic cup. The tooth fairy will do double duty for these teeth! They brought him back to his room and layed him in this bed to rest and to wake up from the anethesia. He did not want to wake up. His mouth was sore for a couple of days after and he said it felt weird to not have his front teeth. He said "How am I going to eat apples now?" I told him as soon as his grown up teeth grew in he'd have no trouble eating apples. As I said before I don't like seeing my children in hospital beds, and I hope the next time I do it will be to visit Amber after she's had her first baby!
On to other things. This summer we've decided that our pond wasn't big enough. So we had Bobby come out again and dig some more. We had to drain the pond about 4 feet so he could dig another big section, and we wanted him to leave an island in the middle. The little part with the grass will be that island when the water level returns to normal. I wanted a little place for the geese and ducks to nest and be safe from the dogs! We had geese last spring but the dogs kept chasing them off. It was making me mad. I love geese and ducks on our pond. We also discovered that we have about a thousand gold fish in it as well. Last fall a friend of ours had about 5 gold fish that were in his mothers little pond and they wanted to get rid of them, so he asked if we wanted them. Apparently they have the right conditions for spawning because we have lots of them now! Guess it's time for the bass to go in. Hope they like to eat gold fish.
This is Bobby and his big machine, tapering the edges. It's amazing how he works that shovel. It's so smooth it looks alive. So lots of stuff going on at our house, with the landscaping. Lots more to do as well. But it's fun to see things take shape and look nicer as each project gets done.
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