Tuesday, March 29, 2011
To quiet
I brought home Keaton from school at 1:30 yesterday, and after putting his stuff away, he usually comes upstairs and gets a snack, before he takes advantage of having the house to himself for an hour and a half. No one to share the Wii with or the TV, or the toys. I came upstairs and started doing some laundry and wondered why Keaton hadn't come upstairs for his snack yet, but didn't think much of it. I went into the library and worked on my seminary lesson. After a while I again thought, Hmmm where is Keaton. It's to quite. I hadn't heard him turn anything on, and he's usually pretty vocal when he plays the Wii, or with the toys, and he hadn't come up for his snack. Did he go outside??? I couldn't here a thing. So I softly yell down the stairs, "Keaton." Nothing. A little louder, "Keaton!" I hear a faint "What? I'm in the bathroom." So I go down stairs wondering what he could be doing in the bathroom for so long.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Solo's, bubbles, and a little venting
Ben had a solo contest to practice for, and he had a practice session with Mrs. Leader. He did a great job! He had to dress up and play in front of a judge, and a few other parents. Not sure if he's going to stick with this music thing, It's starting to be a little boring to him. He would much rather be outside playing soccer.
Keaton wanted to take a bubble bath in my big tub. I usually don't let him because he splashes to much and make a mess. But he had been sick and was finally feeling better and asked if he could if he was careful and didn't make a mess.
Yeah, well I put the soap in and said I would be back, I had a load of laundry to take out of the dryer. I came back and the bubble container was not where I had left it and it was wet and covered in bubbles. He decided I didn't put in enough I guess, and he added way to much! What can u do, but grab the camera.
Then he turned on the jets. Things got really interesting after that. I still had bubbles in the tub the next morning.

I love my family dearly. I'm trying hard to raise them right, and keep them progressing on the strait and narrow. With all the different activites and schedules, and projects, trying to keep up with the housework, laundry, shopping, outside chores, and church callings, it gets very hard sometimes. All of Amber's (stuff) is driving me crazy. She's involved in so much, and keeps wanting to add more. It's like she's afraid she's going to miss something.
The older Ben gets the more (stuff) he gets involved in. Sam is already following in their foot steps.
But I know I'll miss it when they are all gone, so I need to relax and enjoy the time I have with them. Right?
Just some days are very very HARD.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Just some stuff.
Keaton gets board sometimes waiting to pick up Ben and Sam from school. So I have a few things he likes to do that keep him entertained. I guess the DVD player isn't all that exciting anymore or he forgets to bring a movie along to watch. So his new thing is my camera phone. We try to find new ways to take silly pictures and videos of my little NOT camera shy Keaton.

We had a good time at the hotel and when Bret was done, we went to Cabalas, and NFM. (Nebraska Furniture Mart) I found the cutest chairs for my library! They come in two weeks! I'm SO excited. I was also looking for a chair for my bedroom but didn't find what I was looking for. I have a picture in my head of what I want and didn't quite find it. We found some great deck furniture for our deck in the back, but decided it could wait until it gets past the chance of snow. Which will be what............mid April????
Amber always wanted a little sister. She got her wish for a few minutes. That was as long as she could get Sam to wear this wig. Amber had a few friends over. They were doing a skit for a Spanish class project. Anyway, I'm glad I only have one girl. You get a bunch of them together and they were so loud!

Last weekend the hospital had a retreat in Omaha. The boys and I went swimming at the hotel while Bret had boring meetings to attend. It was just Keaton and Sam this trip. My mothering responsibilities are getting so easy. At times. Ben was on another winter scout camp, and Amber was in Cedar Rapids on a Jazz Band trip. It was weird just to have two kids again. In the hotel room everyone had their own bed.....except me ;)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Ben, Master of Ceremonies
I know I should be working on my seminary lesson, but, I'm a little burnt out on that right now. So I'm updating my blog.
Ben had been called to be the President of the Deacons Quorum. We had our Court of Honor for the scouts last week and Ben was the Master of Ceremonies. He did a great job!!!
Ben advanced to the level of Second class, and here he is getting his handshake from his Dad,
Also a hug from his mom! I'm not sure he liked getting a hug from me in front of all the other boys. I guess it has started. 
Ben was a natural, and I was worried that people wouldn't be able to hear or understand him. But I didn't need to worry. He did great! Lots of people commented on how much more confident Ben is becoming and really coming out of his shell.
Ben had been called to be the President of the Deacons Quorum. We had our Court of Honor for the scouts last week and Ben was the Master of Ceremonies. He did a great job!!!

Ben was a natural, and I was worried that people wouldn't be able to hear or understand him. But I didn't need to worry. He did great! Lots of people commented on how much more confident Ben is becoming and really coming out of his shell.
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