Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A wonderful life

Yep! That's what I got. I have great kids, a wonderful husband who makes a good living, and loves me and I him, the spirit is in our home, (most of the time), and I have wonderful friends! What more could anyone want!? My lovely sister Jaime is visiting with us and we were fixing lunch for ourselves and she just looked at me and said, "Don't you just feel like your in Heaven every day?" I thought about that for a second, and said "Yeah, I do!" Because this is what it's going to be like, surrounded by people we love and just loving life, and I do.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I know I haven't updated this in a while, and I'm sorry. Just lots going on right now and I've been so tired at night I just want to go to bed.
I've been called as the Seminary teacher and it seems like all my spare time is taken up with that. I'm trying to compact a weeks worth of lessons into one hour. It takes a lot of thinking, and praying. Also it's fall, so that means soccer for 3 kids, marching band for two kids, and the hunting season, for my biggest kid. Lots of stuff going on

We had Ben's 13th birthday on Sept 17th, he's officially a teenager, now I have two. Although he still looks and acts like a little boy. I'm anxious to see him go through the "change" should be fun.

We had Glenn Jr Jr, visit us last week. It was so fun! He was so excited to do some hunting. You'll have to go to Bret or Glenn for the hunting stories. But he did get one, a nice big doe. It was yummy eating too! I hope they are enjoying the rest of the meat they took home.

My sister Jaime is now staying with us! She just got here yesterday and it's so fun having her here. We went running this morning and she kicked my butt. Her pace is much faster than mine. She'll be staying with us for about a month. I hope she doesn't get to board.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures posted soon!