Next it was on to visit family and friends. Bret had an old High school friend that lived in Kennewick, and she invited us over for lunch. It was on our way so we stopped and the kids had a great time playing with their kids. I must say that the landscape was a lot different in southern washington than what we've been seeing and the drive to Kennewick and to Ephrata was extremely dull, and seemed to take forever! We spent a few hours with Jannie and her family which was nice just to be out of the car. Then on to Ephrata, where we stayed for about 4 days playing with all the cousins and Aunts and Uncles, and Grandpa and Grandma!
It was so fun watching all the little cousins play together. They divided into teams and played a game called Astronauts and Aliens. It was so fun to watch. Everyone got along so well and played so much together. I wish we lived closer to everyone just for more moments like these.
Last stop was Spokane to visit Grandma and Grandpa Heileson. Most of that trip was spent at the lake. Which we all love. John and Marilyn surprised us with a brand new trailer at the lake! it was so nice! I wish we could've spent the night there. Maybe next time. Everyone had a good time water skiing and riding the tube, and playing on the beach. Ben and Sam for the first time rode on the tube! It was a big moment for all of us. Bret did the water skiing thing and loved it. He's fun to watch too :)
It was sad to see out vacation end. Sad to say goodbye to the rental car that had been our set of wheels for so long, that was now full of memories. Also sand, crushed pine cones and seashells, and the crumbs from many many meals and snacks eaten in the car. We headed to check in our bags, and go through security, they had to stop and check the boys backpacks because they had big sea rocks in them and they weren't sure what those were on the X-ray machine. They kept saying "More rocks." We got on the plane and flew to Minnesota to change planes. We were about an hour and half late taking off because the flight attendant that was supposed to be on our flight didn't show up for work! So we got into Omaha around 1 am and home a little after 2am. We just dumped our stuff at the bottom of the stairs and hit the sack! The next day was Saturday, and thank goodness because we all slept in till 11:00! But I have to say that this was the best vacation we've had so far. It is so much nicer, easier, and so, SO, more fun to go on these kind of vacations with older kids, than with a baby or toddlers! Well done everyone!!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
family vacation part ?
Traveling along the coast of California and Oregon was so wonderful! But we had to get on with our vacation. We drove to Portland, OR where we stopped and visited the Temple. This is where Bret and I were married 18 years ago, and 4 kids ago. I feel it really made an impression on Amber. Which is always a good thing. We had a nice man take our picture, but I wish we would've been a little more dressed up. But one can't be picky when your on vacation. Bret and I were able to do a session the next morning at 7. It was just Bret and I and about 5 other people. Smallest session I'd ever been in. We got to be the witness couple. I thought that was very appropriate. 
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
family vacation, part 3
The Ocean is one of my favorite places, I wonder why I live in the Midwest.
This was a beach we saw right off the highway, it was just open sand no rocks and the waves were crashing against the sand. I love that sound! We almost lost Keaton though when a big wave hit him knocking him over. We got him pulled up before the current took him out to sea. Kind of a scary moment.

As we leave the City we get on the highway that drives you up the coast of California. We are so excited to see the ocean, and look for shells! We found a state beach, that was very beautiful, it was also very foggy! So we couldn't see very far out, but it made for some beautiful scenery. 

We saw all kids of sea life on these rocks, and in the water. Lots of start fish, and anemones or however you spell that, and shell fish. It was a bit chilly as well, that damp cool sea air. I loved it. We could here he fog horns going off on the boats out at sea, and hear the ships bells. I could've stayed there for days.
We had such a nice time, and the boys loved looking for things in the sand and watching the waves hit the sand.
The boys got wet and covered in sand, and we all loved it.

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