I'm so thankful for the Gospel. It's such a help when your having to raise kids. I kept thinking at the dance as I watched all those special "Mormon" kids dancing and having a great time, that the Church is a wonderful thing. You wish every child and teenager in the world could have that wonderful spirit of Christ in there lives to help them along and keep them on the right path. There was such a wonderful spirit in that church that night. One of our girls from our Branch, Kelsey, brought a non-member friend who is interested in the church because he noticed how different she was, he saw that special light in her eyes that a strong testimony of the gospel gives you. He wanted to know what that was all about. I hope he listened and that his spirit was touched.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I'm so thankful for the Gospel. It's such a help when your having to raise kids. I kept thinking at the dance as I watched all those special "Mormon" kids dancing and having a great time, that the Church is a wonderful thing. You wish every child and teenager in the world could have that wonderful spirit of Christ in there lives to help them along and keep them on the right path. There was such a wonderful spirit in that church that night. One of our girls from our Branch, Kelsey, brought a non-member friend who is interested in the church because he noticed how different she was, he saw that special light in her eyes that a strong testimony of the gospel gives you. He wanted to know what that was all about. I hope he listened and that his spirit was touched.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's the little things

I've been doing some spring cleaning in the house, can't believe how dirty some things can get, put out some of my spring flower decorations, and I'm feeling pretty good. Okay can't blog any more. I have a date with the black top!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Busy crazy week
Amber had a busy night last night, she didn't get home until after 9, with the Soup and Song, supper, and Pep band for the girls basketball game, then play practice after that. She's a busy girl. Ben and Sam both had piano lessons. Ben is really doing so much better, he wasn't really liking it but now he's learning some cool songs, and is enjoying it a lot more. Had to get all the valentines stuff for Sam and Keaton's school parties, bought and put together for today, and run and get a few things from the store. Yeah really exciting.
I'm just glad this week is over.
Today we had no snow days or late starts, (like we did on Wednesday) and Keaton went to Preschool! I was so excited because I decided it was warm enough, 25 degrees, and it wasn't windy, so I went out to run! I did my 4 mile run on the hi-way even! The roads were clear and the shoulders had been plowed so I was able to go! My favorite is to run, run, run outside!!!!! I tell you though, running 4 miles outside is much harder than running inside on a treadmill! Lots of hill outside! Love it! After my run, I ran a few errands, then I had an hour before I needed to pick up Keaton, so I grabbed my Lord of the Rings book, Return of the King and headed to one of my favorite spots in Harlan, Hanson Brother's. I had a green pepper and bacon omelet and a carrot and blueberry specialty juice, that is freshly made, and I sat at a little table all by myself and ate and read my book. It was so nice.
I can't believe how much better I feel when I can get OUTSIDE and run. I so wish I could do that everyday. I hope it's not to windy tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I did run my 3 miles on Monday. I really need some new shoes. Nothing really exciting to add to this, still winter, still snowing, and blowing and still very cold. Roads are still a mess, the only time I go out side is to shovel my front steps, because the wind keeps blowing the snow and it drifts my steps up to the house closed. I have a pretty good trench dug out up to my house. The walls are 4 feet high. I can't stand this any more. Someone come and take me away!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sam's Baptism
After Bret baptized Sam ,Bret comes out and asked me if I have a towel. I didn't. How was I supposed to know to bring towels! No one told me that! So Uncle Kevin comes to the rescue. He happens to have a hand towel that he just so happened to have accidentally slip into his suitcase from a hotel. So....yeah. Anyway problem solved. After Sam came back out to sit with me in his new suit, which he looked so nice in, Bret gave a wonderful talk on the Holy Ghost, tears were shed, and then he was confirmed a member of the Church and given the Holy Ghost. Then Lisa, a member of the primary presidency, welcomed him into the church, very nice. And little cousin Bryce gave the closing prayer. He did a great job. It was just a really nice sweet baptism. I loved it. After we went to Apple bees for dinner, it was packed! It was 5:00! What were all these people doing eating that early. But we had a great time, a little hectic but good food and fun. I forgot to mention that before we had the baptism we went to the KIA dealership to pick up a car for Amber to drive. It's a 2003 KIA Optima. She's beyond excited. Problem is she wont get her license until July. She has to take drivers-ed first. It's required here in Iowa. So a safe drive home in the falling snow and Kevin and Jennie stayed the night and we all had fun watching the Mario-cart wii tournament. Keaton and Ben were kicking butt. Beating Uncle Kevin and Bret! It was great.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I've let myself get out of shape over the last couple of months due to the amount of snow and cold and ice and rain and more snow we've been having. I have a really hard time with the treadmill and I've just been lazy. But Starting Monday I'm starting my training. I have 19 weeks until the big day and I have a lot of work to do. Especially since my sister is way ahead of me. She's up to doing 16 miles already. So if you don't mind I need to be accountable for my training so I'll be posting my progress on this blog. Also with the other things that are going on as well, cause how boring would that be if I only told you how many miles I ran that day. So Monday I need to run 3 miles. I know that doesn't sound like much, but you have to start somewhere. I have been running a couple of miles a few times a week for a few weeks now, so I feel I'm ready to up the miles a bit.
So bottom line if I don't run the miles I'm supposed to, I want to hear about it!