Sunday, January 31, 2010
Amber driving?
Okay, This is always a scary sight for a parent. Their first born driving a car! Amber got her learners permit and has been wanting to drive. I'm not really ready for that. She has driven home from the highschool, and home from church. That's it. She's doing good but still not quite comfortable with the whole thing. Just needs lots of practice and me not freeking out. She's needs work on the slow down to turn a corner thing. But I'm proud of her for wanting to try.
Not much is happening right now. Just getting back into the routine of school, wondering when we'll have summer vacation. Also wondering and praying that February will be kind. It usually isn't so lets pray hard.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sam's 8th birthday
Last Tuesday evening we had Sam's Birthday party. It was celebrated a few days late because of Bret and Amber being gone. He got lots of presents and this one he especially liked. It was a Lightning McQueen piggy bank that Amber got for him from Disney World. He also got some new jeans. As you can see he needed some new ones. Makes me mad when they get holes in perfectly good jeans! You'd think they could make them better. 
Sam had his 8th birthday on the 24th! We were all excited to eat this huge yummy cake!!!

I also thought I'd asked the bakery for a quarter sheet cake. Instead I got a half sheet cake. Lots of cake for only 6 of us. Anyone want some? Sam had trouble blowing out all the candles on one blow. Bret re-lit the candles 3 times and made him try again until he did it. Man tough standards! For presents he got a Wii game, some Poki mon cards, some church pants, and a hot wheels crash track. He was excited. The next day, Wednesday, he was able to take some of his favorite cookies to school and share them with his class. M&M cookies. Now we're all looking forward to all the birthdays that are coming up. Bret's is in March, mine is in April, Amber's is in May, Keaton's is in June, and Finally Ben in September, which he says isn't fair that he has to be last. Yeah and I tell him that I planned it that way just to irritate him. Life is so un-fair!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Home safe
We'll we had a bit of excitement yesterday, and I'm glad it all ended well. I started out the day sleeping in because the kids didn't have school. This was a planned out-of-school day for a teacher work day or something like that. But it was a good thing because we woke up to a white out. Very high winds and snow! Again! So another day of being stuck at home not able to go anywhere. Which normally I wouldn't mind, but it's getting a little old. Bret and Amber and the rest of the High school marching band were going to fly home from Orlando that night, and supposed to be in around 10pm. As the day progresses and I've cleaned the house, because I didn't know what else to do, I noticed the storm wasn't getting any better, and was hoping they would beable to get into Omaha. I get a text from Bret saying they are in St. Louis and would be able to fly into Omaha. I was relieved. I wasn't sure how bad Omaha was. So I'm in my room watching a little TV and Bret calls me and says, "We can get into Omaha, but the buses might not be able to pick us up to bring us home." How bad are the roads and do you think you can make to Omaha to pick us up in my Truck?" I was like "Bret we're having a blizzard! If the buses can't make it, what makes you think I can!" So then he says "Go get the truck out and drive around a bit to see how bad it is then call me back." What?! So as I'm finding my shoes and coat and getting in the truck, I'm thinking "this is so stupid!" I back out of the garage, and I can't see a thing, I go to the end of our road which wasn't to bad because the wind was blowing the snow strait across the road, still can't see much though. I get to the highway and turn onto that, thinking I'll just drive the mile into town and turn around then come right back. Well as soon as I went about 20 yards I new I had done a dumb thing. I couldn't see at all. I was about to go into the ditch when it cleared a little and I saw what I was doing and was able to get back on the road. But with no place to safely turn around I had to go all the way into town to turn around. It was the longest mile I have ever driven. I was just praying I would make it back home. I made it to my turn around spot and was very grateful, but then I thought, "I have to go back through that to get home!" I was really mad at Bret at this point for making me do this, and even more upset with myself for agreeing to do it! Going back was even worse because the snow was blowing right at me, and I was driving on the side of the road where all the drifts were. I put the truck in 4 wheel drive and prayed! I was never so happy to see my little Juniper Rd sign light up in the night as my head lights hit it. I made the turn off the highway, onto my road into my driveway and in my garage thankful I had made it back, shaking and not happy! I called Bret right then and there and said no flippen way was I driving to Omaha in this. I don't care how bad he wants to be home or how bad I wanted him home. He said he was sorry and didn't want me to try it if it was bad out. He said they'd get a hotel in Omaha or something. So I was thinking I wouldn't see him until tomorrow. I was bummed, and not happy with the stupid weather. Some welcome home from Florida huh! A few hours later around 9pm Bret texts me and says they've just touched down in Omaha. Then about 9:40 he texts me and says they're coming, and to pray! I was a nervous wreck and was texting people I know that wouldn't mind me texting them so late, asking for their prayers as well, and I get the boys together for a special family prayer for the bus drivers and the roads. The boys were still up because I had received a text from Amber saying they'd cancelled school again for the next day. She was really excited because that meant she could sleep in. Anyway, I realized that now I'm going to have to go back out in this to pick them up at the high school! Ugh! I text Bret back asking if there was anyone going our way that would be able to give them a lift because I didn't want to do that again! He said "Yes" So I settled back in my PJ's and waited, and waited. Around 11pm I get a text from Bret, he says "Are you sure you can't make it in? Go slow." I guess they didn't have anyone to ride home with so I had to get back in the truck! Thankfully it wasn't as bad as before so I made it with no problems. Just a couple of bad spots. So we all made it home safe, and we're all together again and Amber wants to go back to the warmth of Florida. She was hoping the snow would have melted while she was away. Huh, wishful thinking, it's still only January.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
My little Sam turned 8 today. He got a new suit and he was so excited to wear it to church. I didn't get Ben a suit until he was 12. He hates wearing it. So I thought I'd start younger and maybe he'll like it more. He's so cute!
Since Bret and Amber are gone until tomorrow we're going to have his birthday party tomorrow night. When I asked him how church was today he said "It was the best time at church ever!" They sang to him in Primary, and he got a cool present from his teacher. She also brought homemade chocolate chip cookies! So It was a good day for him.
We're going to have his baptism on Feb 6th. He's really excited about that and can't wait! I'll post Pictures of the birthday and baptism as soon as I can!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Amber and Bret are in Orlando for the Highschool marching band trip to Disney World. Amber got to re-live a childhood dream. Eat dinner in the resteraunt in the Castle and have her picture taken with Cinderella. These pictures aren't very clear Cell phone pictures of pictures. But you get the idea.

This is Amber when she was 7 on our family vacation to Disney World. For her, meeting Cinderella was the greatest thing ever! She talked about this for many years! And I'm so excited for her that she got to meet her again.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Our second Ice storm
We've been hit again. Our second ice storm of the winter. This one was harder than the first. the trees were already coated in ice and fog crystals when this one hit. 
We lost a lot of limbs off the trees. This is my willow tree. Bret doesn't think it's going to survive. This is a special tree for us. We planted it the first year we moved here in the year 2000. It was so little, and it was fun watching it get bigger year after year. It's going to be sad to see it go.
Lots of Ice everywhere. These are the bird houses that sit on top of our chicken coop yard. Not very warm and home-y is it?

This came off of the big tree in the back yard. These are the ones that Bret wanted to take down last year but I wouldn't let him. Now we're regretting it. So we'll have them down this spring and it'll be a lot brighter in our back yard this summer. Not sure I like that. These trees are over 100 years old. They are the ones that were originally planted here when this farm place was first started.
The kids have been home from school for the last couple of days. They are starting to get bored. I think they are discovering that school isn't so bad, at least there you have something to do and think about.
Bret and I drove into town yesterday to go to the bank and we couldn't believe all the tree limbs that were down all over the streets and people's yards. It was a mess. A little south west of us near a little town called Tennent they've had two half miles stretches of power poles snap off, falling to the ground. Lots of people without power, and even water. I'm so very grateful that we haven't had anything like that at our home. We did lose power for a while but it is back on and we're warm and everything is working fine. I'll be glad when this winter is over.
The week long fog
Last week we had fog for quite a few days. It did wonderful things to everything the little fog crystals touched. It was like this for awhile and was all very beautiful, if you don't mind not seeing the sun for a while.
It made me remember that even in he harshness of winter with everthing dead or sleeping there is still beauty to be found.
Our place was turned into something you'd see in a magical winter movie. Everything was white and frosted. Looked very yummy. The wind wasn't blowing and all was calm and peaceful. 
Then we had another ice storm........
Then we had another ice storm........
Monday, January 18, 2010

My little Keaton loves Apples. He'll eat them all day if I let him. I have to keep them hidden or he will!
Anyway, had a great weekend in Omaha. It was a little busy but fun. We left Friday afternoon around 5. We were meeting Sheri and Derek for dinner at a pizza place. And, I can't remember the name of it. Good pizza though, it was the New York style with the thin crust. It was pretty crazy with my 4 kids and her two little boys, but we were all fed and happy and ready to go to the hotel to go swimming. We drove to the Embassy Suites, the one next to the Cabellas and found our room and all changed into our suits. The kids were really wired and running all over the room. Luckily we all made it to the pool area with out any one getting lost or harmed. After an hour of swimming it was back up to the room to dry off and change and pack all the kids into Sheri and Derek's car because they were watching the kids for us so Bret and I could go to the Safari Club International Banquet that night and have a night to ourselves in the hotel. Which we haven't been able to do for awhile. After the kids left we went to the SCI auction and wild game feed. They were auctioning off trips to Africa and New Zealand, and lots of other places for hunting trips. Also a lot of other things all to do with hunting. Some of the wild life paintings were very nice. Bret was hoping to get a Safari trip this year.
Saturday morning we had tickets to eat breakfast with the special guest for this years banquet. It was Jim Shocky. Bret's hero. We watch his hunting show on the Outdoor Channel all the time and his wife narrates the program, and is on the show a lot herself. I wanted to meet her. She wasn't at the breakfast, bummer, but he put on a little presentation and was very entertaining to listen too. We got to meet him and have our picture taken with him. I'll have to put that up as soon as I can. It didn't get taken with my camera, because I'm an idiot and forgot mine. But it was nice to meet him and watch Bret meet his "man crush". After that was over, we had to pick up Amber from Sheri's house and take her to the Council Bluffs Stake Center for a camp meeting, that both of us needed to go to from 11 to 1. While we were doing that, Bret went to Bass Pro shops and hung around. Amber is going to be a YCL this year at camp and is very excited about it. I hope I get to go to camp this year. With all the snow days we've had we might all be making up school days when we're supposed to be at camp that first week in June. If they move it to another week I might not be able to go. So hopefully we can work this out. Bret picked me up after the meeting and Amber was going on a youth baptism trip at 2:30. We were going to take her to the Temple but she was able to get a ride from the Kennedy's who were going as well. So Bret and I were alone again and off to the banquet. We decided to go to Cabellas for a bit and do some shopping and have some lunch. Back at the banquet we went around to all the different outfitters from around the world who were selling hunting trips. The New Zealand, and Africa one sounded the best to me. We were also able to meet with Jim Shocky again and I got to meet his wife. We talked for about 20 minutes about some of her travels and a bit about my family. She couldn't believe Bret and I had 4 kids or a teenage daughter. She thought we were newly weds. How sweet! Anyway it was so great to talk with her and hear a bit about her exciting life. We had a great time and a great meal and then they had another auction. We didn't get a trip or anything this year, but one is definitely in the near future.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
As much as I love winter, I'm really getting tired of the not being able to do the running outside thing. I've tried a few times but I can only go on the plowed stretch of road that is in front of the house. It's about a 1/4th of a mile long. So I run back and forth and that gets old fast. We're having a bit of a thaw and it's getting really mushy in some spots which makes my footing not so sure. I don't want to hurt myself. So back on the treadmill I go. I should be very grateful that I have that option, which I am, but it's still hard to go for more than a couple of miles. I just get bored.
Tonight we had Family Home Evening. Amber did the lesson and Ben got to pick the activity. He wanted to play Yahtzee. So that was fun, and took forever, but that's okay because we were bonding right? We had cookies for dessert. That was Sam's idea. One of our family goals this year was to have regular FHE every week. So far so good. I feel it's very important for our family and I hope we can continue with it, and not let life get in the way.
The kids had piano lessons today and I took Sam to the house that we always go to, and the door was locked. He rang the bell, and no one answered. I had remembered the kids telling me that she was moving but she never told me when. I thought it would be in the spring or something. I guess not. Luckily I had her number in my cell phone. She laughed a little and said "didn't the kids tell you?" We'll no my kids never tell me anything. So I got her address for her new house which is a few blocks down and farther north. Which means I'll have to leave a little earlier to get my kids there on time. I had to take a lot of side roads that the plow has yet to see and the snow and slush made for very interesting driving. But man what a cool house! It's one of those old Victorian homes, with an amazing ceiling and wood work around the doors and windows. It's like three times the size of her last house. I don't blame her for moving. She had some very nice antique furniture in there and still had a lot of boxes sitting around, but it was a cool house. I could kill the previous owner though, because they replaced the original dark wood flooring with a very light, almost blond colored LAMINATE FLOOR!!!!!! AAAHHHHH I was sick! You DON'T put that stuff in an old home like that! What were they thinking! And if you HAVE to use that stuff at least pick a dark color that goes with the rest of the house! So just food for thought.
Looking forward to a fun but busy weekend. Bret has to go to Des Moines in the Morning for a CME conference and then it's off to Omaha for a stay in a hotel with a pool! It'll be nice to get away for a bit. We're meeting Sheri and Derek there and then after we swim, they will take the kids to their house and Bret and I get a night to ourselves. Saturday Amber and I have to be at the Council Bluffs Stake Center at 11 for a camp meeting till 1:00 then I have to take her to the Temple for a youth temple trip. Then it's back to the hotel for a Safari Club International Banquet that evening. Maybe we'll buy a trip to Africa! But I'm excited to just be out with Bret and enjoy some good food and adult conversation.
Tonight we had Family Home Evening. Amber did the lesson and Ben got to pick the activity. He wanted to play Yahtzee. So that was fun, and took forever, but that's okay because we were bonding right? We had cookies for dessert. That was Sam's idea. One of our family goals this year was to have regular FHE every week. So far so good. I feel it's very important for our family and I hope we can continue with it, and not let life get in the way.
The kids had piano lessons today and I took Sam to the house that we always go to, and the door was locked. He rang the bell, and no one answered. I had remembered the kids telling me that she was moving but she never told me when. I thought it would be in the spring or something. I guess not. Luckily I had her number in my cell phone. She laughed a little and said "didn't the kids tell you?" We'll no my kids never tell me anything. So I got her address for her new house which is a few blocks down and farther north. Which means I'll have to leave a little earlier to get my kids there on time. I had to take a lot of side roads that the plow has yet to see and the snow and slush made for very interesting driving. But man what a cool house! It's one of those old Victorian homes, with an amazing ceiling and wood work around the doors and windows. It's like three times the size of her last house. I don't blame her for moving. She had some very nice antique furniture in there and still had a lot of boxes sitting around, but it was a cool house. I could kill the previous owner though, because they replaced the original dark wood flooring with a very light, almost blond colored LAMINATE FLOOR!!!!!! AAAHHHHH I was sick! You DON'T put that stuff in an old home like that! What were they thinking! And if you HAVE to use that stuff at least pick a dark color that goes with the rest of the house! So just food for thought.
Looking forward to a fun but busy weekend. Bret has to go to Des Moines in the Morning for a CME conference and then it's off to Omaha for a stay in a hotel with a pool! It'll be nice to get away for a bit. We're meeting Sheri and Derek there and then after we swim, they will take the kids to their house and Bret and I get a night to ourselves. Saturday Amber and I have to be at the Council Bluffs Stake Center at 11 for a camp meeting till 1:00 then I have to take her to the Temple for a youth temple trip. Then it's back to the hotel for a Safari Club International Banquet that evening. Maybe we'll buy a trip to Africa! But I'm excited to just be out with Bret and enjoy some good food and adult conversation.
Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's been an interesting couple of days, and I'm glad they're over. With three snow shovels, myself and two reluctant children we went outside today to tackle the snow drifts so I could get my car out, and also so if anyone dared to visit us they would be able to get to our front door. The snow was so hard packed and so much of it, that it took forever to do the front walk. Amber and Ben were not happy, but it was good for them, they've been sitting around for the last couple of days. After the front steps were done, we went to the driveway, much bigger project. We wouldn't be able to get to church tomorrow if we didn't. AFTER we did my side our dear friend Bruce came to our rescue, and finished the job with a big cool snowblower. So we're all dug out. At least until the next one comes. It's only the beginning of January.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wow, what a winter we are having. I'm sitting at my dining room table, looking out the windows, and can't see anything but blowing snow! We had a nice 10 inch snow fall yesterday, and now with the very high winds it's blowing all over the place. The kids were let out of school early yesterday and no school today.
Bret's brother Kevin was on his way home from Omaha, driving to Des Moines, yesterday and he stopped by to do a little hunting with Bret. It was snowing and about 15 degrees, go figure! They came home with a few birds and Kevin had a chance to shoot a buck, but he said it wasn't big enough. It's frustrating Bret just a bit. They were perfectly good bucks. For our evening meal together we had some hot chili and crackers. Yum! Soon after dinner the wind started picking up and all that snow that we got was now blowing around in a 30 mph wind, and it's very cold. Wind chills down in the 40 below zero range. Yeah I won't be going anywhere today. The kids have another day off of school due to the weather, so they are loving life. I don't think they'll be to happy though come spring when school is supposed to be out in the middle of May. They'll have some snow days to make up.
Our animals are all doing okay. We've lost a few pigeons, and we're having a hard time keeping the dog's water from freezing in a heated kennel! The heater just can't keep up! Even the heated water bowls in the turkey and pigeon pens are freezing. I'm hoping for a winter warm up soon. Can't wait to see those upper 20's again. That was so warm compared to this! I'm so thankful to be in a nice warm home.
It was nice sleeping in this morning, and the kids are having fun playing together. Bret's on ER starting today and lasting until Sunday. He's only supposed to do three days but the guy who does the schedule messed up, so out he went in the storm at 7:00 this morning. He'll probably just stay at work for the day instead of driving back and forth in this weather. So I probably won't see him for a while.
Okay, now I'm rambling. I'll let you know if we all FREEZE to death!
Bret's brother Kevin was on his way home from Omaha, driving to Des Moines, yesterday and he stopped by to do a little hunting with Bret. It was snowing and about 15 degrees, go figure! They came home with a few birds and Kevin had a chance to shoot a buck, but he said it wasn't big enough. It's frustrating Bret just a bit. They were perfectly good bucks. For our evening meal together we had some hot chili and crackers. Yum! Soon after dinner the wind started picking up and all that snow that we got was now blowing around in a 30 mph wind, and it's very cold. Wind chills down in the 40 below zero range. Yeah I won't be going anywhere today. The kids have another day off of school due to the weather, so they are loving life. I don't think they'll be to happy though come spring when school is supposed to be out in the middle of May. They'll have some snow days to make up.
Our animals are all doing okay. We've lost a few pigeons, and we're having a hard time keeping the dog's water from freezing in a heated kennel! The heater just can't keep up! Even the heated water bowls in the turkey and pigeon pens are freezing. I'm hoping for a winter warm up soon. Can't wait to see those upper 20's again. That was so warm compared to this! I'm so thankful to be in a nice warm home.
It was nice sleeping in this morning, and the kids are having fun playing together. Bret's on ER starting today and lasting until Sunday. He's only supposed to do three days but the guy who does the schedule messed up, so out he went in the storm at 7:00 this morning. He'll probably just stay at work for the day instead of driving back and forth in this weather. So I probably won't see him for a while.
Okay, now I'm rambling. I'll let you know if we all FREEZE to death!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Our New Year's Eve
Bret got a turkey during our first game of bowling!

Ahh New Years day! Sleep in till.... let's see 5:30 am?????? Bret's alarm went off at that time because he was going to go hunting this morning. Yes, deer hunting. Sitting in a tree stand for hours in below zero temps. Not what I'd call fun. I mean I like hunting and all that but I'm more of a fair weather hunter. So After being woke up that early, he just rolled over and went back to sleep! I new he wouldn't go, and I told him that last night. I really didn't want to get woke up that early for nothing, because I have a hard time falling asleep once I'm woke up. So I was a little irritated with him. But I did fall back to sleep and woke up a few hours later with a little hand in face. Keaton hasn't quite learned to sleep in yet. I thought he would because he had a big night last night. We started out taking Amber to some members home in Shelby, about 20 min. away, because they were taking Amber to the Stake Dance in Omaha. We then went to Portsmouth, another little town near Harlan for dinner. They have a little place called Club 191. Not the best food in the world and not the best looking either, but we had a gift certificate from a good friend of ours that works there. Plus this friend is struggling with life and works two jobs to care for her family and we wanted to help her out. So a lot of grease on my fries and my fillet wasn't very good, but we made her night! That's what counts right? After dinner we drove back to Harlan for a fun filled night of bowling! That's what Keaton wanted to do. It was kind of weird because neither Sam or Amber was with us. I mean were getting used to Amber being off on her own activities, but we always have Sam. He got invited to a friends house for a sleep over. I didn't realise before how much more fun things are with Sam around. He's just a little bundle of sunshine for our family. Not that Ben and Keaton are dull and boring, but they just are a little more subdued then Sam. So I missed him. We played two games, Bret won both as usual, came home and played Wii, watched the ball drop and all said Happy New Year, then went to bed. Keaton was scared to go to bed by himself, he and Sam share a room, So I convinced Ben to sleep on the top bunk in Sam's bed. He wasn't too happy with it but he did it for me. I was going to have to sleep in there with him and that wasn't something I wanted to do. Amber came home around 1:20, at least I think so, I faintly remember hearing her walk up the stairs. It was a good night with not a lot of frills and noise but it was nice. I didn't even have any junk. We have none left from all the Christmas gifts of goodies and leftover cookies and candy and I wasn't about to buy more!!!
So looking forward to a nice relaxing day of watching football, Go Ducks!, and snuggling with my wonderful husband.
Happy New Year! Everyone!
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